Our Story

Ever since Julia was young, her mother exposed her to the energetic world – from readings to charms, She began to believe in the unseen. As she dove deeper into it, she also started to pursue fashion. This is her combining both of those worlds. Julia grew up in London, largely independent from a young age and sacred geometry, meditation, charms, have been her non-stop support for years. Now she is combining these two worlds. The hope that a simple thing like a bag could do more than just hold your keys, but help you grow spiritually.
Through this process Julia teamed up with her close friend Inga who has been drawn to the world of spiritual inner growth her whole adult life and alternatively having an amazing eye for fashion and being very creative both in fashion and photography. Inga has been combining her creative skills in fashion industry as a stylist as well as sharing her journey in fashion and travels through photography. Both of them decided to create something that will change the perception of a bag and will add another meaning to it and that’s how Luna Ex came to live.
Luna Ex is a brand that offers mysticism through products that are coveted most - designed to encourage an individuals personal journey into a spiritual world of self-awareness.